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Help us stop bullying help us stop these kids from committing suicide because of this bullying that is going on. Kids are being picked just by the way they look what they wear how they act and more on. These kids can't control their feelings and it gets worse and worse until one day they do not wanna deal with this anymore and they just kill themselves because all their friends turn on them or just are scared and don't wanna be involved in this and get bullied too. The kids are gonna feel like they have no one there for them no one cares no one can stop this no one is gonna stand up for them and the kids are not gonna stop bullying until something really happens to that person and when its late there gonna notice they took it too far and now they feel guilty for what they did. Help this stop this bullying for these kids can keep there life and keep going these kids are too young to deal with this kind of pain and when they cant take it no more they just have one way to stop it and that's by killing them selves and just stop everything they feel like they just have no one to count on no one cares and they feel alone. Kids need to understand bullying is not right these kids have hard lives and probably been through a lot all they want is friends and feel like they belong and just wanna have fun and live there lives but when bullying happens they just feel like there a mistake and why are they still here if all this is happening to them why should they be here no one cares about me i just make everything worse and they feel like everyone will be happy if she just left this world. Just because they different they should not be picked on they just wanna feel belonged and cared kids should have stop bullying and guess what you kids can help u have the power too u think u don't well think again yes you do stand up and protect that person help them against this and that will stop the bullying they will realize everyone is standing up to that person they feel like they don't have power you kids have the power to stop bullying don't laugh don't make fun of them just because everyone one else is make a change help them out and once you protected that person they will stop bullying and know they did something wrong because these people wouldn't like it if someone did that to them so show them how it feels stop this bullying do the right thing not the wrong thing. Watch this video and sees what happens and whats wrong and whats right.

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